Kindergarten Program

Auslan Language Program

We learn Auslan as part of the Victorian Government Early Childhood Language Program.

Auslan is embedded in our program, we learn and use Auslan in gathering times with stories, songs, games and intentional teaching, during meal and transition times, during free play, with special visitors and when out on excursions. There are many benefits to children learning another language, including:

  • increased reading and writing skills
  • cognitive flexibility
  • strengthened brain development
  • improved problem-solving skills
  • providing children a richer understanding of how languages work
  • can bolster self-esteem and strengthen cultural identity

The experiences and learning we offer through the language program is play based, focussed on the children in the group, is in line with our philosophy and is designed to complement our program. The language program is taught by additional qualified staff in partnership with the kinder team who know the children best. The language program is fully funded by the Victorian Government.

Intergenertational Program

Established in 2020, we visit Donwood Aged Care Services regularly, connecting with our local community. This relationship encourages the older and younger generations to bring new energy, knowledge and enthusiasm to each other’s’ lives as they participate in free play and planned experiences, including art, gardening and music.

See us out in our community

Intergenerational play and learning benefits children through;

  • building social skills through communicating and engaging with older people.
  • developing positive attitudes towards the elderly, learning from and alongside them.
  • sharing their own skills, ideas and abilities to celebrate their achievements.
  • participating as a valued local citizen with a sense of belonging beyond the kindergarten gates.

Intergenerational play and learning will benefit older people through;

  • connecting our wisest and newest generations to share knowledge and abilities.
  • increasing joy and positivity in their lives through play and connection.
  • improvements in health and wellbeing by participating in new physical experiences.
  • passing on personal life experiences, culture and traditions from older to younger generations.

Kinder Program

Play is a young child’s way of learning. Play is the way children make sense and meaning of the world around them and is the child’s ‘work’. Engaging in play, children can explore, investigate, experiment and socialize, developing curiosity for learning and skills for life. Our programs are designed to facilitate learning through play, allowing children to work to their ability with the freedom to challenge themselves.

The structure of the program is a balance of play experiences that include active/quiet, indoor/outdoor, group/individual and structured/unstructured opportunities.

Educators observe and get to know each child and plan activities and experiences according to their needs and interests. We document children’s developing knowledge, interests, skills and attitudes in our reflection journal and we encourage families to share their views of the child’s learning journey.

We believe the outdoors to be an ideal learning environment for children and we encourage outdoor play in most weather conditions. Children benefit from sensory rich play opportunities such as: sand, water, mud, clay, finger painting, light and shadow play. We focus on the process of ‘learning by doing’ not necessarily the end-product.

We interweave the areas of art, music and movement, language and literature, dramatic and imaginative, sensory and physical as well as science and maths into play experiences. We provide opportunities for a wide range of skill development and children are encouraged to make decisions. Children are supported to participate in small and large group activities.

Maroondah Preschool offers two levels of early childhood education:

3 year old Kindergarten: Ngawan* (Sun) Group

4 year old Kindergarten: Biik* (Land) Group
*Wurundjeri Tribe Council granted use of Woiwurrung language

The 3 year old curriculum recognizes that children of this age enjoy the security of working and playing close to each other and the adults around them. The indoor and outdoor areas are used at different times of their session.

The 4 year old curriculum recognizes that children of this age enjoy the freedom of working and playing in a more self-directed way. A child-initiated program that is emergent and primarily experiential is offered to this group. There are long stretches of open time for children’s play and exploration. We believe that children deserve to engage deeply with each other and with their ideas, questions and challenges.

Maroondah Preschool offers a natural environment with open-ended resources. Sticks, sand, dirt, stones and water along with physical toys such as climbing equipment, swings and trikes are favoured play materials. The indoor environment offers a wide range of materials.

Our program aims to further each child’s individual interest and overall development. We offer a broad range of experiences to explore, discover and experiment with.

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